Become a Member
Click on the desired membership type below to learn more and to access applications.
- Primary Member: Does not currently have a REALTOR® membership with any association in the United States. A copy of Pocket License from GREC and Add Form signed by Broker must be included with a membership application.
- Secondary Member: Must be a primary member of another REALTOR® board or association and must provide a Letter of Good Standing from your primary board with your application. If your primary board is outside of Georgia, your secondary membership could require payment of state and local dues. If your primary board is in Georgia, you will only be required to pay local dues/fees. A copy of Pocket License from GREC and Add Form signed by Broker must be included with a membership application.
- REALTOR® membership includes inspectors as well as real estate sales professionals.
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected]
- MLS Only Current Agent: Must be a current agent. This membership only offers access to the Savannah Multi-List Service (MLS).
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- Add/Drop: Current members must complete this form when leaving, transferring to/from, and joining a company, location, or office. Verification of changes from the Georgia Real Estate Commission must be included (Ex: New pocket card or drop receipt). If unlicensed you must include a copy of your photo ID.
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- Affiliate membership is for individuals who are not licensed with the Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) and who seek to partner with the association for access to members and member benefits in order to grow their business. This membership is recommended for businesses that target buyers and sellers of any property type. Affiliates are offered the opportunity to sponsor SAR events and will receive a listing in the website Affiliate Directory.
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- REALTOR® Office: Broker is joining the board as a Primary Member or Secondary Member. This allows all agents in the office to join the board as a REALTOR® giving them access to Supra Ekey as well as REALTOR® and SAR benefits. When joining as Secondary, a letter of Good Standing is required from Primary board. MLS office fees will reflect a discount for being a SAR Member.
- Click here to fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- MLS Only Office: If Broker is a member of another RELATOR® board or association and/or wishes to only have access to Savannah Multi-List (MLS) for their self and their agents, they may join as MLS only. They will not have REALTOR®, RCA, or SAR benefits including Supra Ekey access.
- Click here to fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- Primary Member: Does not currently have a REALTOR® membership with any association in the United States. Copy of Pocket License from GREC and Add Form signed by Broker will be included with a membership application
- Secondary Member: Must be a primary member of another REALTOR® board or association and provide a Letter of Good Standing from your primary board along with your application. If your primary board is outside of Georgia, your secondary membership could require payment of state and local dues. If your primary board is in Georgia, you would only need to pay local dues/fees. Copy of Pocket License form GREC and Add Form signed by Broker will be included with a membership application.
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- REALTOR® Office: Broker is joining the board as a Primary Member or Secondary Member. This allows all agents in this office the option to join the board as REALTOR® giving them access to REALTOR® and RCA benefits. When joining as Secondary, Letter of Good STANDING FOR Broker is required from Primary board as well.
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].
- Membership for individuals who are not licensed with the Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) who seek to partner with the association for access to members and member benefits in order to grow their business. Recommended for businesses that target buyers and seller of any property type. This membership type also includes sponsorship opportunities for the association’s events.
- Click here to view dues/fees and fill out an application. After completing the application, please send it to [email protected].